Pluripotency factor Oct4 gets a makeover (GSCN)
Source: The Scientist, 12.03.2025
Miniature hearts for research (GSCN)
Source:, 10.12.2024
In Focus: Plant genome editing. A current stocktaking of the Working Group Gene Technology Report
Source:, 9.12.2024
Carsten Marr receives Eugen Münch Award (GSCN)
Source: Helmholtz-Munich-de. 22.11.2024
Diabetes switch in DNA (GSCN)
Source: Uni Ulm, 31.10.2024
Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world first
Transplantation of chemically induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived islets under abdominal anterior rectus sheath in a type 1 diabetes patient
Source: Nature, 26.09.2024; Cell, 25.9.2024
Stammzellen halten Seeanemonen jung (DE)
Source:, 19.08.2024
Scientists discover method to activate dormant stem cells in the brain
Source:, 14.08.2024
Radio / ISSCR: Gewachsen aus Stammzellen: Mini-Organe für die Pharmaforschung (DE)
Source: Deutschlandfunk, 12.07.2024
Stem cell medicine in the North: The report
Source: LIfeScience, 14.06.2024
Tackling the hurdle of tumor formation in stem cell therapies
Source: EurekAlert, 30.05.2024
Michaela Frye (DKFZ) wins "Deutschen Krebspreis" (GSCN) (DE)
Source: Deutscher, 08.04.2024
Vitamin A may play a central role in stem cell biology and wound repair
Source:, 07.03.2024
„Neustart“ für den Energiestoffwechsel – Hoffnung für Menschen mit seltenen Erkrankungen (GSCN) (DE)
Source:, 27.02.2024,
"New start" for energy metabolism - hope for people with rare diseases (PDF)
Source: Download
Erstes Nashornbaby aus dem Labor überlebt 62 Tage im Mutterleib (GSCN) (DE)
Source:, 24.01.2024
Scientific breakthrough may save northern white rhino through surrogacy (GSCN)
Source:, 24.01.2024
The Key to Creating Blood Stem Cells May Lie in Your Own Blood
Source: ScienceAlert, 08.01.2024
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